As a researcher and social critic, I welcome the commissioning of pieces to be written for/about you and your work/institution. I am more than interested in expanding my writing (skills) in the rubrics of “book review essays”, “movie reviews” and academic-inspired “public policy papers”. The goal is to work against the eclipsing of “information” with “knowledge” in an age of information overflow and bring back critical academic scrutiny, yet in an accessible writing style and manner.
My angle stems from a critical theory and a radical feminist perspective. In terms of methodology I am firmly rooted in what anthropologists call “researching up to power” as well as “researching home”.
Please view the description of the different categories that I am interested in in the relevant sections below. If you are interested in commissioning a commentary on your/ someone else’s work, or have a specially tailored request, please get in touch through the contact page with the title (i.e. “book review essay”) in your headline and some background information for me to get back to you in time.


(Updates coming soon) 

(Peer Reviewed) 
Journal Articles:

Erasing Palestine in Germany’s Educational System: The Racial Frontiers of Liberal Freedom ︎
in: Middle East Critique, Online Publication August 2024. 

Lebensraum, geopolitics and race—Palestine as a feminist issue in German-speaking academia ︎
in: Ethnography, Online Publication November 2023, Journal publication Spring 2023. 

Palestinian Zombies: Settler-Colonial Erasure and Paradigms of the Living Dead ︎
in: Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2022.

Settler Colonial Realities - Some Notes on Organizing between Activism and Academia ︎in: Special Issue of Feminist Formations, „Time, Urgency, and Collaboration in the Corporate University“, eds by Fatima El-Tayeb and Maria Stehle, John Hopkins University Press.

Antisemitism, Anti-Racism, and the Holocaust in Germany: A Discussion Between Susan Neiman and Anna-Esther Younes.  ︎
In: Journal of Genocide Research, April 2021.

Fighting Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Germany ︎
Islamophobia Studies Journal 5, no. 2, pp. 249-66. 

A Chronicle of A Disappearance Mapping the Figure of the Muslim in Berlin’s Verfassungsschutz Reports (2002-2009) ︎
Islamophobia Studies Journal, Fall Issue, pp. 114-142.

A gendered movement for liberation: Hamas's women's movement and nation building in contemporary Palestine  ︎
Contemporary Arab Affairs, 3:1, 21-37.

Book Chapters (refereed):

(Forthcoming) 2023 
Reading Alana Lentin in Germany - Race, Revenge, and the Figure of the Palestinian in Contemporary Germany
In: Bocco, R. and I., Saïd, „Decolonising the Question of Palestine“, IL PONTE Publishing.

“Der ‚Krieg gegen Antisemitismus‘ und die Figuren Palästinas als Politische Probleme.“ / „The ‚War on Antisemitism“ and the Figures of Palestine as Political Problems.“ (in German only) ︎
In: “Dokumentation Internationale Tagung über Antisemitismus. Zwischen Verharm- losung, politischer Instrumentalisierung und ideologischer Sinnentfremdung,“ Les Cahiers du CPJPO 3/2023, CPJPO – Comité Pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient, 03/2023. 

February 2020
Il 'diritto di recar danno' contro il diritto di boicottare? / The ‘Right to Maim’ vs. the ‘Right to Boycott’? ︎In: Palestinesi, L. Binni, R. Bocco, W. Dahmash, B. Gagliardi (eds.), special issue of 'Il Ponte' (Florence), VOL. LXXVI, n°1, Jan.-Febr. 2020, pp. 352-368.

2015 Zülfukar Çetin im Gespräch mit Anna-E. Younes:
Die Anderen der Anderen: Antisemitismus und antimuslimischer Rassismus in Deutschland heute / The Other's Others: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Muslim Racism in Germany Today ︎in: Gespräche über Rassismus - Perspektiven & Widerstände. (2015) Zülfukar Çetin und Savaş Taş (Hg.). Berlin: Yılmaz-Güney Verlag.

Book Reviews:

„The Moral Triangle – Germans, Israelis, Palestinians,“ by Sa’ed Atshan and Katharina Galor.
In: Journal for Palestine Studies, Book Review. (Forthcoming Winter 2021) ︎

Good jews/bad jews: thingified semites? ︎
In: Symposium: Alana Lentin's Why Race Still Matters. Ethnic and Racial Studies.


Don't Shoot, I can Tell you a Joke ︎
Book Review of Sayed Kashua's "Native". In: Kalimat Magazine – Culture, Online, June 2016.  


Movie Reviews:


„Figurations of Naziism as a Foil for Revenge Fantasies: Tarantino’s ‚Inglorious Basterds‘ and the Making of a ‚New White Man‘ post 9/11.“ ︎ 

In: Social Text Periscope, Special Issue on “Revenge Cultures” curated by Max Haiven. (Forthcoming January/February 2022 - delayed publication). Peer-Reviewed.

Women without Men ︎  
Erschienen in [dī.wān] Dezember 2010.

Neukölln mal ganz Multikulti: ︎
Eine kulturkritische Betrachtung zum Film ‚Life is a battle’ aka ‘Neukölln Unlimited‘
Erschienen in [dī.wān] Juni 2010. Online.

Journal or Blog publications:

Regarding ‘Human Animals’ and Settler Colonialism ︎
In: Identities - Global Studies in Culture and Power, February, 2024.

Settler Coloniality is Coming Home to Roost in Europe: Antisemitism, Palestine and The Right to Protest in Germany ︎
In: Jadaliyya, August 2023.

Resistance to revolutionary love: The struggle to decolonise the republic (In Conversation with French Intellectual Houria Bouteldja) ︎
In: French Cultural Studies, 2023.

Une guerre allemande contre l’antisémitisme?/ A German War on anti-Semitism?︎
In: Contretemps, Revue de Critique Communiste, May 2020. French.

Zur Kritik westlicher Antisemitismusdiskurse/ On the Critique of Western Discourses of Anti-Semitism ︎
In: INAMO, „Antisemitismusdiskurse“, eds. Anna-Esther Younes, et. all. German.

Eine Einleitung zum Thema Rassismus und Justiz/ An introduction to racism and the law ︎
In: Rassismus und Justiz, Broschüre zur politische Bildungsarbeit, Migrationsrat Berlin-Brandenburg, Seiten 4-9. German..


Public Policy Publications:

Islamophobia in Germany: National Report 2018  ︎
In: Enes Bayraklı & Farid Hafez, European Islamophobia Report 2018, Istanbul, SETA

Islamophobia in Germany: National Report 2017  ︎
In: Enes Bayraklı & Farid Hafez, European Islamophobia Report 2017, Istanbul, SETA, 2018 

Islamophobia in Germany: National Report 2015  ︎
In: Enes Bayraklı & Farid Hafez, European Islamophobia Report 2015, Istanbul, SETA, 2016


The Privilege of Anxiety: On Censorship, Self-Censorship and Palestine ︎
In: Soundings, no. 88, pp. 113-129.

The Minds of Others: An interview with Max Blumenthal ︎
In: Mondoweiss, online, November 25th, 2014

Die Gedanken der Anderen: Interview mit Max Blumenthal ︎
In: Sozialistische Zeitung

Philo- and Anti-Semitism in Germany: Interview with Gilbert Achcar  ︎
In: Jadaliyya, June 28th, 2012 

Die Individualisierung von Glück ist ein Teil der Macht, die Glück über uns hat. Interview with Sara Ahmed ︎
Interview with Sara Ahmed. In: Freitext, Gesellschaftsmagazin, 04/2012. 

Maskulinität existiert nicht nur zwischen Mann und Frau: 
Pinar Selek im Gespräch ︎
Erschienen in [dī.wān] Heft 9/Juni 2010

Verqueerte Identitäten – Interview mit Koray Yilmaz-Günay ︎
GLADT, Berlin. Erschienen in [dī.wān] Dezember 2009

Unsere Kritik hat nichts geändert – Es wurde immer schlimmer!
Interview mit Amira Hass 
Erschienen in [dī.wān] Heft 7/Juli 2009 

Things Only Got Worse - An Interview with Amira Hass
 ︎ English    ︎ Spanish 

Araber_Jude_Israeli – Interview mit dem ehemaligen israelischen Black Panther Ruven Abergjil/ Arab_Jew_Israeli - Interview with former Israeli Black Panther Ruven Abergjil ︎
gekürzte Version erschien erstmals in [dī.wān] Heft 4/Dezember 2007. 

Panels, Media,

and Activist Work

The erasure of Palestine in German-speaking worlds ︎
In: Lighthouse Bookshop, February 2024

[decoco] decolonial research group talk with Anna Younes & Hanna Al Taher: Lebensraum, geopolitics and race—Palestine as a feminist issue in German-speaking academia ︎

ELSC-Panel - Anti-Palestinian Racism in Germany ︎
In: SAOT Festival Panel, June 2023

YouTube: Judeobolschewienerinnen: Diskussionsrunde „Antizionismus als Tabu“ – Kurzinput: Der “Krieg gegen Antisemitismus” und die Figuren Palästinas als Politische Probleme︎
In: Judeobolschewienerinnen, Oktober 2022

YouTube: Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) Canada Presents: Unveiling the Chilly Climate - The Suppression of Speech on Palestine in Canada Report launch event. ︎
With: with: Prof. Alejandro Paz, Prof. Saree Makdisi, Alex Neve, Sheryl Nestel (PhD) and Anna-E. Younes (PhD), October 2022

Article: Palestine, Feminism, and The Pitfalls of Liberalism in Germany and Beyond - An Interview on Race and Figurations of the Palestinian in Germany Today. ︎
In: New Socialist. Interview by Noor Blaas, January 9th, 2022. 

YouTube: Philosemitism & Antisemitism—Anti-Racist Tools for Solidarity and Resistance ︎
By: New Socialist. Discussants: Aviah Sarah Day, Alana Lentin, Michael Richmond, Kieron Turner, and Anna-Esther Younes.

YouTube: TiG 02 - Biodeutsch / BioGerman - Anna-Esther Younes  ︎
In: TiG - This is Germany (Video contribution)

Article: Normen Dekonstruiert / Deconstructing Norms - Judith Butler turns 60  ︎
In: Junge Welt, February 26th 2016. P. 16. 

Article: Die Banalität des Bösen. Nahost-Konflikt, Rassismus und Deutschland /The Banality of Evil. The Middle East Conflict, Racism and Germany. (taken down by author)
In: Migazin, online. 28.07.2014.

Article: Besuch aus Israel. Mauergemurmel / A Visit from Israel - Wall Whispers
In: taz, 23.05.2008, S. 24. ︎

Radio, Podcasts, and
TV Talk Shows

“Anna-Esther Younes speaks out against anti-Palestinian racism in Germany” - Free City Radio. English. ︎

“The War on Anti-Semitism with Anna-Esther Younes, 99 zu 1” - Youtube Video-Podcast Interview. English. ︎

Talking Feminism #6 Anna Younes  ︎
Mai Yufani,  (2015-10-10)

Die Konflikte im Nahen Osten – komplex, gefährlich, unlösbar?" Diskussionsrunde in der Urania, Berlin. 08.02.2015 im Inforadio des RBB ausgestrahlt. German.

Israel - Gaza: The Hour of the Extremists?”, Deutsche Welle/ DW, Quadriga. 24.07.2014. English.  ︎

Newspaper Interviews

Schwarz, weiß, "transracial": Wenn man sich Identität aneignet  ︎
Anika Dang and Noura Maan, In: Der, August 16th, 2021

Ich weiss nicht, ob es einen Kapitalismus ohne Rassismus geben kann  ︎
Fabian Goldmann, In: Telepolis, November 22nd, 2019

Geschichtslos und gesichtslos? Berlin mit einem palästinensischen Kulturfestival  ︎
Ruth Fruchtman. In: Kunst und Kultur, Januar 2017 

Are litmus tests on culture spreading from Israel to Berlin? by Inna Michaeli ︎
In: +972 Magazine October 25, 2016.

Talking Feminism #6 Anna Younes  ︎
Mai Yufani,  (2015-10-10) 

Antisemitismus - Die Jugendlichen fühlen sich nicht verstanden  ︎
Von Sybille Biermann, Migazin, 23.09.2014 

“After the Last Sky” festival in Berlin, a window to the rich variety of the Palestinian narrative ︎
By Rasha Hilwi, Schloss Solitude / Schloss-Post 

Documentary Movie

Der Andere im Augenblick (The Other In a Snatch) ︎
War photographers in Germany and Palestine and Susan Sontag’s philosophy of Photography and “Regarding the Pain of Others”. Screening and discussions at the HU Berlin and at the Film Museum Frankfurt, where the movie is archived as well.